
Develop yourself and your business like the Medici Family.

Develop yourself and your business like the Medici Family.

Develop yourself and your business like the Medici Family.


We are two brothers who help entrepreneurs and business owners develop themselves and their businesses through exploration, training, coaching and networking.

Hi, I'm Cris, and as an entrepreneur and investor, I have set up more than 20 companies in 5 different countries. On my journey, I have always been curious about studying influential and successful people and within European history, the Medici family with its rise from cloth merchants to bankers, branching out into politics, art, architecture and religion is the most fascinating to me.

I have worked out the good, the bad and the ugly of this Renaissance family for us to learn the principles and framework of success, significance and legacy.

Hi, I'm Philip and for over 20 years I’ve been working in personal and business development with leaders from around the world. My job is to make sure that we are not only inspired by the example of the Medici Legacy but also apply the strategies and principles to our own lives and businesses.

As the Strategic Coach I make sure we see results and breakthroughs to truly create a beautiful life.


Cris & Philip

‘I don't make the same calculation as everyone else.’

Cosimo de’ Medici in a letter to his son Giovanni in 1457

(Our Gift) Get a free copy of "Get Your House in Order"

Learn the principles of success based on the life of Cosimo de’ Medici by Cris Auditore Zimmermann.

Cosimo de’ Medici, the Italian banker, philanthropist, and patron, dominated Florence during the 15th Century in commerce, art, architecture, and politics. He created a widespread banking empire, making him the richest man in Europe. 

By touring four “houses” where Cosimo de’ Medici exercised influence, you will see how he deliberately set out to bring order to his various spheres of power.

What sets author Cris Auditore Zimmermann apart is his unique perspective, viewing the Medici family through the lens of business and entrepreneurship.

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Join the Medici GOLD Community

It’s not just about success, it’s about designing a life that’s fulfilling and purposeful. We know that life has its ups and downs, but with the right path and community you can create the life you want to live.

The Medici GOLD Community is more than just a membership — it is a gateway to a world where you can design your own path to success in all areas of your life and apply the Medici Success Framework® to experience true transformation.

We believe that in order to achieve great things, you must first invest in yourself. With our guidance and the Medici Community, you will embark on a journey and experience breakthroughs that will shape your character and personality, helping you reach new heights in your personal and professional life.

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